Create Pipeline (PE)

Plant Engineering > New > Create pipeline

Select this function to create a new pipeline. The Create pipeline dialogue window will be displayed.

  • you are currently working with layout plan that is linked to a P+ID, and
  • the P+ID project is loaded.
  • if the current drawing contains referenced 3-D assemblies that are linked to one or several P+IDs, and
  • one referenced assembly is active, and
  • one of the P+IDs loaded together with this assembly is active.

  • If one of the options Pipe class from database or Pipe class from file list is active, the nominal diameter of the pipe is determined by the pipe class.
  • In other cases you have the option to:
  • take over the nominal diameter from the same part, or
  • select the nominal diameter from the nominal diameters available in the pipe class.

Use this function to assign specifications concerning the placing of parts on branching points. This takes place via the name of the file containing the corresponding definitions. Click the symbol to edit the definitions for the file.

If a file has been assigned, the definitions in this file, and not those ones belonging to the file that is set as the global presetting in the Plant Engineering Settings. But the definitions in the assigned file, too, will only be used if the Use presettings for placing of parts on branching points checkbox has been activated.

The name of this assigned file will be saved, together with the other properties of the pipeline, when saving a configuration. If a pipe class has been assigned to the pipeline as well, the standard designations that may have been specified in the definitions will be ignored.

In the lower part of the dialogue window you have the option to load and save pipeline configurations.

A pipeline configuration (file format .XML) comprises the following settings displayed in the dialogue:

  • Colour,
  • Layer,
  • Pipe class,
  • Nominal diameter.

Select the desired configuration from the list box. This can be the default configuration, the last used configuration, or any other configuration file that you have created.

When you have specified the identification number, the pipe class and nominal diameter for the pipeline, click OK. Use the Guideline Tools functions to specify the routeof the pipeline.

If you exit the dialogue box with Cancel, HiCAD ignores all entries and does not create a new pipeline.

If you have selected the HiCAD Catalogue (and not the HELiOS Database) as part data source (see Plant Engineering Settings), no pipe class management is available, and the assigning of pipe classes to pipelines will not be possible.

Activate Pipeline (PE)Pipeline Tools (PE)Plant Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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